Sunday, April 27, 2014


sometimes life seems a lot like driving in the rain at night.

the pounding on the metal roof that dampens the sound of everything else,
[and the demands that seem so immediate and deafening]
the clammy hands from anticipation that every car off to the side will jump out in front of you,
[and the worries that seem so insistent and unpredictable]
the constant fogging and defogging of your windows,
[and the unclear future that you need to plan for right. now.]
the obscured lines from the water and glare of streetlights,
[and the boundaries that seem to have so much flux]
the distrust that your breaks and tires will actually keep you from hydroplaning,
[and the inability to trust yourself]
the desperation to just be able to stop moving.

these feelings are all so real, but to me, Christ is even more real.
He is my rest.
He is my steadfast and unmoving rock. He is constant in the changing weather. He is unchanging in my wavering moods.  He is everlasting and enduring in my dizzying inconsistency.

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