Monday, November 11, 2013

Pursued by Grace: my story

[ this is an entry from my journal. i went on a women's retreat where we were told to write our story with an emphasis on what God has done.  this is what He told me as i listened.  i am so overwhelmed by grace.  God's love sustains me. i hope you can come to realize that He has a relentless love for each person.  He loves us each as if we were the only one He had to love. words can never express His love for us, and words can never express my gratitude to Him.]

 This is what The Sovereign Lord says,

"In a warm land I formed you; I knit you together and imparted my compassion to your small beating heart.  Your parents rejoiced and spent time with you.  They taught you the stories of a people that would become your people because I would soon give you the faith to love me.
 You sought my face from your youth, and I delighted to see you grow.  Because of my great love for you, I drew you to me when you were merely seven. You grew in stature and in knowledge of me; I prepared you for the days ahead and clothed you with jewels of strength, courage, and maturity.

The storms came fast like a thunderhead quickly forming from a clear horizon.  Pain and anguish poured out from the looming clouds.  The fallen condition cost you your father, and the winds swirled about you; you forgot to hear my voice, but still I sought you. I brought my arms about you, and when the winds crippled you, I carried you still.  Where the storm had thrown debris and opened wounds, you sought salve to heal them.  From the hands of men you bought cheap salve that did not heal.  Your wounds festered; you filled your stomach with food that did not satisfy and led to decay.  You pitched a fit like an ill-raised child, but still I held you to my chest.  Nothing, nothing, nothing could pull you from my arms.
You worshipped me with your lips, but your heart was far from me.  I longed for you to return, and so, my love never ceased to visit you.  Our time apart was hard for you.  Your diet depleted your frame, and your wounds spread like gangrene.  Your once compassionate heart was like a stone that attempted to drag you into the depths, but I fought for you.  I directed your stumbling steps.  Nothing you did could remove my eyes from you.  Nothing you did could remove my grace.  Nothing you did could remove my love.

When your body lost its strength, and you thought yourself a waste, I breathed life into you once again. I showed you new sights with new eyes.  I put a new song in your mouth, and my words became like honey to you.  I restored your bones with joy.  I fortified you.  I breathed beauty into dust.  You took my hands again, and we danced as in the days of your youth.  I crowned you with olive branches, and my peace permeated your being.

You falter daily like a young deer, but I rejoice when you commune with me.

My child, the more you seek me, the more I will gladly reveal myself to you.  I have lavished blessings upon you, and even in the darkness, my presence will surround you.  Rest in me. I will never cease to teach you more.
I love you."


  1. I am an old neighbor of your mom's. We played together as children :)
    The words you just wrote could not have come from a human that wasn't
    full of the Holy Spirit!!! What a gift He has given you!!! And you are using it!!!

  2. Caitlyn, your heart for the Lord is beautiful. Your honesty is touching. I pray you will continually feel His presence and abounding love.

    1. Thank you so much!! He is so good. Praying for you as well (:
