Sunday, December 8, 2013

"....where dust touches Divine."

"...where dust touches Divine."
This phrase has been stuck in my head; God has been telling me, "Look for these places. These are the places where you find My heart."
It seems to me to be so appropriate.  The Divine has been reaching to touch the dust since the beginning.  The dust has been reaching back.  I get the image of the Sistine Chapel ceiling in my head, and I am just so moved.  It's beautiful.

Sometimes we reach out to other things in a misguided attempt to reach back to the Divine that so relentlessly pursues us. However, in better times,  we can reach out to people, and, in doing so, we can reach back to the Divine. We can display the Divine to others.  We need to give love freely with no strings attached.  This is the essence of the divine God we worship; He is the embodiment of the most perfect love.  We need to quench our dehydrated souls with the living water that flows so freely from our Saviour's throne.

In the collision of the living water and the dust, mud occurs.  No one said loving people was a neat business; things get messy.  Comfort zones get destroyed.  Societal boundaries crumble.  Our expectations of what life should be get altered, and perhaps, completely changed all together.  Society's pressures shatter around us.  We get the mud rubbed on our eyes, and we can finally see.  We see what really matters; we see the image of Christ in every person.

I pray that the church can have the scales fall off our eyes more fully.  I pray that The Spirit would abound and compel us to love in ways we never imagined before.

Be the manifestation of love to someone today.
Do something for them with no strings attached.

Pay for the coffee of the person behind you.
Pay for the meal of the family across from you.
Give the person at the pump across from you ten dollars for gas.
Write a note of encouragement and edification to your coworker.
Buy coffee for the sign waver on the side of the road.
Give some money for the person's groceries behind you.
Bake your neighbor a cake.
Have your neighbors over for dinner.

Listen to The Spirit; He will gladly lead you.

Do it all in the name of Jesus. I would say that it is vastly important that they know that is why you are doing it. There are a lot of ideas about karma and being a good person, but we love for Love Himself.

We don't need to over-complicate this.  The holy invades the secular.  The light overcomes the darkness daily.  We are the children of the omnipotent God, and we are called to love and "stomp hell for a living."
[The quoted portion here is a saying from my brother in Christ Todd White. If you have never heard him speak before, go YouTube him ASAP. He is such a radical, God-loving, Jesus-imitating guy. He is a person who inspires me.]

Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Ransomed Captive's Song

Oh come, Emmanuel
lift our hearts
Come, rip the veil
Your Spirit to us impart
Oh come, You satisfy my soul
Teach me to drop what was never mine
 Come, fill my void, make me whole
Your love is found where dust touches divine

Monday, November 11, 2013

Pursued by Grace: my story

[ this is an entry from my journal. i went on a women's retreat where we were told to write our story with an emphasis on what God has done.  this is what He told me as i listened.  i am so overwhelmed by grace.  God's love sustains me. i hope you can come to realize that He has a relentless love for each person.  He loves us each as if we were the only one He had to love. words can never express His love for us, and words can never express my gratitude to Him.]

 This is what The Sovereign Lord says,

"In a warm land I formed you; I knit you together and imparted my compassion to your small beating heart.  Your parents rejoiced and spent time with you.  They taught you the stories of a people that would become your people because I would soon give you the faith to love me.
 You sought my face from your youth, and I delighted to see you grow.  Because of my great love for you, I drew you to me when you were merely seven. You grew in stature and in knowledge of me; I prepared you for the days ahead and clothed you with jewels of strength, courage, and maturity.

The storms came fast like a thunderhead quickly forming from a clear horizon.  Pain and anguish poured out from the looming clouds.  The fallen condition cost you your father, and the winds swirled about you; you forgot to hear my voice, but still I sought you. I brought my arms about you, and when the winds crippled you, I carried you still.  Where the storm had thrown debris and opened wounds, you sought salve to heal them.  From the hands of men you bought cheap salve that did not heal.  Your wounds festered; you filled your stomach with food that did not satisfy and led to decay.  You pitched a fit like an ill-raised child, but still I held you to my chest.  Nothing, nothing, nothing could pull you from my arms.
You worshipped me with your lips, but your heart was far from me.  I longed for you to return, and so, my love never ceased to visit you.  Our time apart was hard for you.  Your diet depleted your frame, and your wounds spread like gangrene.  Your once compassionate heart was like a stone that attempted to drag you into the depths, but I fought for you.  I directed your stumbling steps.  Nothing you did could remove my eyes from you.  Nothing you did could remove my grace.  Nothing you did could remove my love.

When your body lost its strength, and you thought yourself a waste, I breathed life into you once again. I showed you new sights with new eyes.  I put a new song in your mouth, and my words became like honey to you.  I restored your bones with joy.  I fortified you.  I breathed beauty into dust.  You took my hands again, and we danced as in the days of your youth.  I crowned you with olive branches, and my peace permeated your being.

You falter daily like a young deer, but I rejoice when you commune with me.

My child, the more you seek me, the more I will gladly reveal myself to you.  I have lavished blessings upon you, and even in the darkness, my presence will surround you.  Rest in me. I will never cease to teach you more.
I love you."

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Untitled Poem Draft 2

They change on the inside
first. The seconds of light that start to go
missing, unnoticed by Us,
affect Them from the inside
first, the inside, starts to come out
Because it's almost time
And They know it.

Then it comes too fast
and They reveal, the colors
that were inside, all along,
too soon
And Their reds are too red
And the air is too cold
In a last laugh
In a last breath
In a last hurrah
In a last goodbye
In a last wave
before We even realized
because the green was still there
last time.

We said goodbye casually.
not knowing the green
was already gone, and
We feel the wind which breaks
the fetters of Some,
suddenly. But Others get to hold on and
We have learned to notice,
now, the changes
that grapple, like hooks,
the forced surrender, of each One.

Some, leave slowly.
They let go
and fall to the earth,
Serenely. But a gust took that One.
And I think that,
yes, there was still some green left.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Poem Reading

For my English 3000 class, I was required to pick a poem and give my interpretation of it. This is the draft. I will be changing it to suit my professor's grading and to add more development; however, I also really like the way it is now. Anyway, I just thought I would share.  Feel free to give some of your thoughts, critiques, etc. (:  I just really like this poem.

Eden--Emily Grosholz (1992)
In lurid cartoon colors, the big baby
dinosaur steps backwards under the shadow
of an approaching T-rex
"His mommy going to fix it," you remark,
 Serenely anxious, hoping for the best.

After the big explosion, after the lights
go down inside the house and up the street,
We rush outdoors to find a squirrel stopped in straws of half-gnawed cable. i explain,
trying to fit in the facts, "The squirrel is dead."

No, you explain it otherwise to me.
"He's sleeping. and his mommy going to come."
Later, when the squirrel has been removed,
"His mommy fix him," you insist, insisiting
on the right to know what you belive.

The world is truly full of fabulous
great and curious small inhabitants,
and you're the freshly minted, unashamed
Adam in this garden. You preside,
appreciate, and judge our proper names.

Like God, I brought you here.
Like God, i seem to be omnipotent,
mostly helpful, sometimes angry as hell.
 I fix whatever minor faults arise
with bandaids, batteries, masking tape, and pills.

But I am powerless, as you must know,
to chase the serpent sliding in the grass,
or the tall angel with the flaming sword
who scares you when he rises suddenly
behind the gates of sunset.

     In Emily Grosholz’s “Eden,” readers listen to the discourse of a mother to her child.  The way she talks allows readers to infer that perhaps the child is not listening; the mother may simply be musing these fearful thoughts in her head.  After all, to confide many of these thoughts to her child would only expedite the process she hopes to avoid.  This poem exhibits that, though loss of innocence is inevitable in the scheme of life through maturity, it is still a tragic loss.
            The poem opens with the mother speaking of vivid and harsh “lurid” colored cartoons (Line 1).  This unnaturally bright scene reflects the unnaturally bright disposition that many children possess.  The use of colors will become significant at the very end of the poem.  In the end of the poem, the mother references a sunset.  This image evokes thoughts of an array of colors yet again; however, these colors are natural.  This reflects the understanding a child gains as they mature, a more natural understanding of the world.  The sunset also serves to show the ending or death of a “day.”  In this case, the “day” represents childhood and the innocence that accompanies it. 
            As we move to the second stanza in the poem, the mother speaks of a “big explosion” in reference to a power outage (Line 6).  She is likely using her child’s vocabulary to emphasize the way children often find ordinary events amazing and fantastical; this is a blessing of youth that adults often tragically leave behind.  It is easy to dismiss the small things in life as ordinary instead of taking time to marvel.  In this stanza, the child encounters death a second time.  The mother attempts to “fit the facts” which evokes a sense of attempting to put together a puzzle (Line 10). After this precarious struggle, she bluntly tells her child that the squirrel has died.  Moving on to the next stanza the child replies that the mommy squirrel will fix this; mommies fix things is this child’s reality.  Therefore, the child shapes all other experiences around this fact.  The third stanza closes with a seemingly paradoxical phrase “the right to know what you believe” (Line 15).  This is the center of the poem, and it leads us to a change from the occurrences of the day to the deeper thoughts of the mother.
            In the fourth stanza the mother alludes to The Bible she calls the child, whom we now know to be her son, as an “unashamed Adam” (Line 18 & 19).  This compares the child to Adam who was completely and happily naked in the Garden of Eden.  The child wears his ignorance of death, ignorance of weakness, and childlike illusion unashamedly like nakedness bare and unaltered.  He does not even have an understanding of shame.  This is a beautiful image of untainted innocence; it is reflective of complete contentment.  However, drawing upon this allusion, the mother is unable to avoid its progression.
            She goes on to compare herself in her son’s eyes as God.  These two parallel reflections on herself as God reveal the speaker’s attitude towards God.  Although motherly, she comments that God can be “angry as hell” (Line 23).  This negative light of God appears to stem from the mothers own fear, remorse, and frustration at being unable to prevent her own son from The Fall.  This fall is not a fall of sin, but it is a fall that will remove his innocence.  Like God chose not to intervene during Adam’s fall, so parents must chose to one day release their children. 
            This inevitability lends to the closing of the poem.  The last stanza reads like a confession.  “I am powerless, as you must know,” she says to the child (Line 26). She proceeds to allude to The Fall.  She speaks of the “sudden” appearance of the “angel” (Line 28).  Like the loss of innocence, it is a scary occurrence.  Yet, few of us can ever recall quite where we lost it; it’s a sequence of events.  Like Adam tasting the apple, seeing things anew, hiding, confessing, and being cast out, we all slowly leave our gardens.  We are cast into a world where we experience a new and more painful form of nakedness.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

His Authority

I have been thinking about the authority of Christ.
Frankly, it's kind of impossible to wrap my head around all the power He possesses.  Yet, He still desires my attention.  It's pretty mind-blowing.
What is also mind-blowing is that if we were to let this understanding of whom Christ really is seep in, we would never worry or fear.  He has authority in every space of the universe, the known and the unknown, the seen and the unseen, the constant and the transient, the gargantuan and the minuscule, the    significant and insignificant.  He has authority over amoebas and over super-novas.  He has authority over us and over any potential extra-terrestrials.  He has authority over my next breath and yours.  He has authority over the past, present, and future.  He has always more than proven His authority.  He has also always proven that He is the greatest and most wonderful King.

I fail continually at being ever-conscious of the true identity of Christ.  However, while riding down the road from Chattanooga a couple days ago, I had some interesting thoughts spring up.  These thoughts were spurred from some talks I had heard (and needed to hear) at a small (very small) conference at ChattHOP (Chattanooga House of Prayer) called Immersion.  I was blessed to attend this.

((Fun fact: When I prayed about going, I prayed and said, "God if I need to go to this, let it cost no money but the gas to drive down there." (I figured this was relatively impossible. I would need to eat.)  However, I received an e-mail from my friend who had invited me that had information about immersion on it.  Guess what.... it was completely free....They even fed us.))

Anyway, I heard some great talks on finding your identity in how God views you and on missions. 
The one on missions started the thought of Christ sending us out under His authority.
He sends us out equipped to spread His word and disciple others.  (Disciple, not convert....discipling requires a little more dedication...but another topic for another day.)

In scripture, Jesus tells His disciples to ask whatever in His name and He will do it.  (John 14) We are His disciples and are able to receive the Spirit (advocate, Spirit of truth, Holy Spirit) at any time because Jesus has now ascended into Heaven; The Spirit of God dwells in us!!  The Trinity is a mystery, but we do know that Christ and God and The Holy Spirit are God in three beings made one.  (I know, mind-blowing.)
With all this wonderful knowledge in our heads, we still have the audacity to fear. Do not let fear hold us back brothers and sisters! Let our head knowledge penetrate our heart! Let The Lord's magnificence and love and power wash over you like waves. We were made for His glory; now let's go glorify Him daily with our actions!!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Habakkuk 3:17-19

I just want to love God because He is God, Almighty, Jehovah, YHWH, I AM, Creator, and so much more. I want to learn to love God so much that, like Habakkuk, I can be totally bereft of earthly material blessing and still glorify The Name of The Lord. 

Fill me up, God

This is something I have felt convicted of recently......

Sometimes, we Christians, myself included, ask God for a lot of stuff. A lot of times, this stuff isn't even bad. We ask for more of God, courage, boldness, wisdom, energy, etc. I believe God is happy to give us these things! He enjoys giving good gifts to his children. However, I believe that a lot of times, we waste these precious gifts. We should not ask for these things frivolously and expect no responsibility to come along with them.

Many times, we receive these gifts, experience a spiritual high for a few days, maybe even a few weeks, but then we forget; our joy gets choked out by our worldly worries. I ask and encourage you brothers and sisters that we, myself included, try not to do this.

A song I love to sing is "Fill Me Up." It says "fill me up God" over and over; God does and He will continue to fill us with His Spirit. He fills us with living water. This water is alive and dynamic! It is not stagnant. It is meant to gush forth from us in the form of love and service towards others.
God fills us and equips us to do His work; I pray we all strive to boldly and joyfully proclaim the greatest news we could ever receive, the news of the astounding love of Christ!
 Put your faith into action this week! (:

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Car Sanctuary

In traffic, where there once was rage, there is peace.
In long stretches of endless road, where there once was anxiety, there is boundless joy.
Over the hum of cycling rubber, there is loud praise.
Where my voice was once silent, I now speak audibly to The One who always hears.
In a well-used five-thousand dollar coupe, The Spirit of The Living God abides with me.
He makes the ordinary extraordinary.
He made the tents of my forefathers in faith His dwelling place, and now He is willing and content to make my car a sanctuary.
How beautiful is His presence!
It is transformative.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Purpose

[From my first journal entry... This was post traveling for about 15ish hours... Location: a squeaky bunk bed in La Romana, Dominican Republic]

"Wow. Today feels like so much. God is such a good protector; despite my mild anxieties, we arrived in La Romana without a hitch. I'm still so fascinated by flying; it's so surreal, and everything is so beautiful.  It's a whole new perspective.

That's part of what this trip is, a perspective change.
There is so much newness! I'm in a country with a foreign language. ( I now am even more sympathetic with the foreign language speakers in my home country.)  God is giving me new eyes.

Our devotional tonight is from Revelation 21:5; Jesus proclaims, "Look! I am making everything new!" I believe at times, Jesus doesn't necessarily make the "things" new; I believe, he changes us.  We now see or are reminded in our soul and spirit to see the world as Jesus does.  Jesus looks on everything with love; He is one with the Father.  The Father, God, is love! He is love's personification, and He cannot be separated from it.  His love is furious, penetrating, unending, enduring, passionate, consuming, relentless, and it is the most beautiful thing I have ever and will ever encounter!

For me to be effective this week, or ever in life, I must keep this love at the forefront of my mind.  It's crazy how my sinful flesh can drag me away from the always refreshing always newly exciting and amazing love of Christ.  That is the fight of the flesh though; satan, the ultimate deceiver and father of all lies will attempt at all times to draw us away from the beautiful love of Christ.  It is truly a daily struggle to fight, but we must fight in the knowledge that our battles have already been won.

Christ does not call us from the other side of our battle either.  He stands with us, intercedes for us, and He fights on our behalf.  When we are weary and weak, we can rest in the promise that He is strong in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).  When we are enfeebled, He is empowered.  When we are tired, He is tireless.  When we are feeling hopeless, He is our hope (Hebrews 6:19).  When we lose faith, He is ever faithful (2 Timothy 2:13).

Psalm 23 reminds us that though we fight, we fight with mere shadows. ("Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death...")  The psalmist also writes, "I will fear no evil, for You [The Lord] are with me."  God doesn't wait for us to come out of the valley; He joins us in it.  He cannot abandon His beloved children.  Also, if we have the ultimate light, Christ, with us, the shadows that attempt to haunt us have no choice but to flee!
[[Props to Jason Polk for teaching on this at The Orchard one night.  It's been such an encouragement.]]

Jesus is exactly what we need, always!  Only He can satisfy the depths of our soul with His boundless love.  He can satisfy the needs of everyone we meet and minister to this week.  We will eventually leave and have been like a wave in the sea to them.  However, if we go to them under the authority and clothed in the love of Christ, His love will never leave them.  This is not to say our time here is fruitless, but it is to say, that unless we leave the true love and peace of Christ, our efforts will be for naught.  We must remember that we are here for Jesus.  We are here for His glorification alone, and we are here to share His love.

Thank the Lord for His truth, His mercy, His grace, and His love!"

Monday, May 20, 2013

Simplicity is Pixie Dust

Before I begin, let me clarify, I believe finding simplicity in life is very important.  We are met with a barrage of complications daily and finding ways to live simply and avoid materialism are very important.

However, I am discovering that is if there is something people are not, it is simple.
Many of us, myself included, would like to convince others and ourselves that we are simple.
A, B, and C makes us happy, so what is really complicated about that anyway?  While AB&C may truly make us happy, on closer inspection there is a problem with that.  AB&C will not continuously make us happy.We are molded and shaped in many ways by many experiences and many people.  This accumulation of personality and history have made us all complicated.  However, this type of complicated, I think, is beautiful.

When you first meet people, they are like dimly lit rooms.  The sun shines through the window in the corner; the walls are freshly painted.  There might even be some quirky quotations on the wall, a welcome mat by the door, and possibly some furniture set up.  However, as you venture into the room, you notice the neatly framed quotations hide cracks from where the room has settled.  The furniture is covering numerous scratches, and you notice the couch is attempting to replace the emptiness that would have been there.  The sunlight is sometimes replaced with clouded skies and maybe even the occasional storm.  The corner farthest from the window has even experienced water rot and has caved in.  On closer inspection, the room is dingy.  It has a lot of nice parts, but now, the facade is gone.

We put on such a show for others; it's tiresome.

It's interesting to me that we are taught to expect simplicity from others when we, ourselves, are unable to achieve it.

Not to be cliche and rag on Disney movies (I quite enjoy them.), but, please, look at the characters. I'll use Cinderella for an example. (I mean, they are getting better I think...Nemo has some depth. [excuse the ocean joke] ) Cinderella is portrayed as this happy singing chic who submissively serves her purely evil stepmother.  Why is her stepmother so bitter anyway?  If Cinderealla has so many "wishes her heart makes when she is fast asleep," why doesn't she go after them? These characters are so one dimensional.  Cinderella is "good" and her stepmother is "evil."

It doesn't work that way.  It would be easier if it was that simple, but it's not.

I have parts of me that are dark.  She is the part of me who makes snap judgements about people who I later learn to love.  She is the part of me who lashes out in anger when I am inconvenienced.  She is the one who has a short fuse.  She is the one that is ceaselessly impatient.  She is the one who lacks self-control.

I praise Jesus for healing this part of me. I praise Him for being so much greater and full of more grace than I am full of darkness.  It is such a process.  He knows, ha.  Thankfully, I know He has already triumphed.

We see this in ourselves, but we hide it so well.  I feel healing can be found when we can find the courage to be candid with one another.

We need to understand that we are all complicated people.  And that is okay.

Simplicity within people is like pixie dust: sparkly, rare, and lacking substance.

Complicated is beautiful.

Saturday, April 20, 2013


That's how old this guy is. He is my age. Personally, my heart and soul mourns for him. Maybe that's not American, but I couldn't care less. I am called to a higher nation, the nation of Christ. Yes, I love America, and I am amazingly blessed to be here. Yes, what he did was heinous, tragic, and wrong; yes, he should should be served justice by the law, but I pray with all my heart it's not the death sentence. I feel Jesus telling me every time my thoughts wander to this young man, that Jesus wants him. This guy is not too far from grace. He is not out of the reach of the redemptive power of God's love. Jesus died the same death for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev as He died for me. I'm not trying to be disrespectful or discount the people he killed and injured, so please don't think that. I mourn for them and their families so much as well. I just see him as a fellow human being in desperate need of the love of Jesus, and it breaks my heart.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

in His image...

Wow, I will post sometime about these last two amazing weeks.  I have been to Urbana 2012 in St. Louis, and I have been to Passion 2012 in Atlanta.  God has shown up in so many ways, and I can never stop being amazed at how big He is; God has revealed more of His heart to me in these days, and I am overwhelmed by His outside of logic love.  It is truly incomprehensible.  All glory to Him.  I want my whole life to proclaim His glory.  He is the God who runs to us while we are still far from Him.  He searches relentlessly for us, and He calls us to Him.  He is so so so worthy of all praise and admiration. Truly, no amount of words I can say can truly captivate His majesty.

God amazes me by revealing His truths to me.  Yes, like a child I have heard His word and been amazed.  I am so unworthy, but it is through Jesus and The Holy Spirit that I have been counted worthy to hear God's word.  Jesus says that God is happy to reveal His word to His children (Matthew 11:25-26), and He has.

This is what I heard as I was sitting in a dome with 60-69,000 other people...
God is infinitely perfect, and He is in a three part community with Himself through the trinity.  We are made in God's image, but through the fall we have been rendered incomplete.  We are born in two parts: body and soul.  However, when we accept Christ's invitation to salvation, He comes to live in us as The Holy Spirit.  It is then that we become more like God in three parts: body, soul, and The Holy Spirit.

I thought this was a cool revelation, and I wanted to share.  Thanks and praise be to God for moving us towards Him.  May we grow more towards His perfect will each day.